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Posh fish & chips


Via wh I found this modern fish and chip shop called Kerbisher & Malt.

So what’s there to like except for the colours.
Subway tiles, lamp shades and the very cool lamps on the wall.. 
the menu straight onto the wall, cool floor, the wood, the stools… 
and that’s even before you’ve tasted the food.
They claim to have the best fish and chips in Britain.
Worth a try if you’re planning a visit to London I think. 
Like it?!
ps! only a few hours left of our challenge Behind your door.. 

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  1. Tibs says:

    Wow! Have to definitely try that next time in London!

  2. Oh yes, I like it! Perfect place 🙂

  3. For et utrolig kult sted. Helt klart verdt et besøk!

    Klem Kirsti

  4. Awena Robert says:

    Oh yes, I like it a lot and I love fish & chips, especially when I am in the UK. In my experience, the best fish & chips has been the one you get by the seaside. But I'm eager to try this one out, next time I am in London. Loving the modern design and the light colours by the way. Thanks for sharing.

  5. j'adoooorrre!!!
    je veux aller à Londreeeeeesss!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😉
    bon dimanche à toi hege

  6. Åhh. kult! LIIIIKER!
    Har aldri vært på en Fis&Chips resturant, men hadde gjerne besøkt denne:)

  7. michele says:

    holy yum!

    thanks for sharing, hege.


  8. LIKER! digger fargetonene og sammensetningen av materialene:)
    Takk for at du deler inspirasjon med oss!
    Ha en fin ny uke
    klem Cathrine

  9. Don't get me wrong I do like a good fish and chips! But this shop rocks my boat in so many other ways it's SO cool and I could spend all day looking at all the fab details.